Technical Description s
u设备特点Main features: u 横梁与Z轴采用表面阳极化航空铝合金,温度一致性极佳;并降低了运动部件的质量,减少测量机在高速运行时的惯性 Cross beam and Axis Z are made of surface-anodized aerometal to improve thermal stability and reduce moving mass for faster setting. u 三轴导轨均采用高精度自洁式空气轴承,运动更平稳,导轨永不受磨损 High-precision self-cleaning air bearing is used on guideways of all the three axes with permanently wear-resistance and optimized kinematics movement. u 三轴均采用高精度瑞士进口光栅尺,系统分辨率可达0.078um;同时采用柔性镶嵌技术,减少了光栅尺的变形 All the three axes are equipped with the high-precision optical scales of German Heidenhain which make the system resolution reach up to 0.078um. And the Installation method of one end fixed and the other end freely extensible reduces deformation of optical sales. u Y轴采用整体燕尾式导轨,在降低机器重量的同时,有效消除了运动扭摆,保证了测量精度和稳定性 Patented precision-machined dovetail guideway in Axis Y not only have lightened the machine weight but improved torsional stability, CMM’s accuracy and stability. u 各运动轴均采用直流伺服驱动,确保运动的平稳和准确 All machine axes are driven by DC servomotor to ensure CMM’s stability and accuracy. u X向采用精密三角梁专利技术,相比矩形梁和横梁,重心更低,质量刚性比最佳,运动更加可靠 X beam has adopted the patented ultra rigid “Tricision ®” technology, with the result of lower center of gravity, better mass-rigidity ratio and more reliable motion than rectangular and cross beams. u 软件为业界标杆的PC-DMIS BASIC (/PC-DMIS PREMIUM),功能强大,易学高效 Powerful, easy-to-learn and efficient PC-DMIS BASIC (/PC-DMIS PREMIUM) software. u 采用海克斯康为Croma专业打造的IDC-Ⅰ控制系统,提高了机器的动态性能和测量精度 IDC-I control system specially designed by HEXAGON for Croma CMMs improves the dynamic performance and measuring accuracy. u HEXAGON统一的供应链平台,严格的供应商考核体系,保证了零部件的质量 Share Global Sourcing channel within Hexagon group, high level supplier audit system, to assure the best quality control of component. u 基于ISO9001质量标准的生产质量保证系统 确保整机装配的高品质 High level quality assurance system based on ISO9001 to make sure best control of whole manufaturing process. u技术参数 Technical Specifications:
◇ 结构型式Structure Type :移动桥式Moving Bridge ◇ 传动方式:直流伺服系统+ 预载荷高精度空气轴承 Transmission Mode:DC servo motor & Preload high precision air-bearing ◇ 开放式光栅尺Open gold and steel scales ◇ 机 台:高精度花岗岩平台 u环境条件要求 Environment Specifications:
备注:满足环境条件要求的方法具体可参考《机房施工指南》 Note: The Site Preparation Guide will help customer to know how to reach the Room Requirements. · PC-DMIS PREMIUM ( CAD 数控版) 测量软件 Measuring & Inspection Software 作为世界顶级的测量软件,PC-DMIS拥有35000套、位列全球第一的安装量;凭借多年来全球各行业测量应用的经验累积和对技术创新的不懈追求,PC-DMIS被广泛应用于各种尺寸、形状和位置的几何量测量领域。同时,PC-DMIS以其友好的用户界面、全面涵盖国际通用标准的专业评价能力,为广大用户提供权威的测量结果及实用、便捷的操作性能。 PC-DMIS is the world’s leading Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) Software with over 35,000 seats in place worldwide.PC-DMIS was widely used for geometric measurement such as geometric size、form and location, with the globalization real application experiences accumulated in various industries for so many years, and with the relentless pursuit of innovation in metrology technology. PC-DMIS provides authoritative measuring report ,practical and handy operation performance with its friendly user interface and professional capacity of dimension evaluation. 作为业内率先引进CAD应用技术的测量软件,PC-DMIS开创了无纸化检测和脱机编程的先河。基于PC-DMIS Basic,PC-DMIS PREMIUM将CAD与测量技术联合到一起,为直观、高效计量提供了完美的解决方案。从简单的二维平面图到极为复杂的三维实体CAD模型,PC-DMIS PREMIUM几乎可以应用各类CAD模型进行编程、模拟与检测。同时,PC-DMIS CAD不仅可以导入或者导出多种格式的CAD,还可以直接对原始CAD进行操作。值得注意的是,PC-DMIS PREMIUM强大的CAD引擎可以帮助用户缩减90%以上的编程时间。 As the first one to introduce CAD technology to metrology software ,PC-DMIS starts a paperless metrology and offline programming period .Based on PC-DMIS Basic, PC-DMIS PREMIUM integrates CAD and metrology technology,which supplies users with much more intuitive and efficent solutions. It allows users to develop inspection programs using CAD models with any kind of model - from simple 2D drawings to the most complex solid 3D models.Meanwhile,PC-DMIS PREMIUM can import and export CAD data in almost any format, and even work directly with native CAD models. Plus, powerful CAD-based tools help develop and debug the inspection programs, slashing the time by up to 90%. PC-DMIS 向您提供了如下的卓越性能Main Features: · PC-DMIS PREMIUM能够直接从CAD中提取几何特征的名义值。通过点击工件模型即可完成编程,简单便捷,且能消除人工输入错误或者对图纸的理解错误 · PC-DMIS PREMIUM extracts part data directly from CAD. Inspection routines are simplified created by pointing and clicking on CAD. This virtually eliminates mistakes related to bad data entry or misinterpreting hard copy blueprints · 无需打开对话框,只要在CAD特征上单击,即可快速创建自动特征 · Create auto features from a single click on the CAD model without using any menu options or dialog boxes · 支持多种格式CAD文件。不仅可以直接使用如IGES或者STEP格式的通用CAD文件;通过DCI(直接CAD接口)或者DCT(直接CAD编译器),也可以直接使用UG、CATIA等软件的原始数模文件。 · PC-DMIS PREMIUM supports multiple protocols for linking to CAD. It can be neutral like IGES or STEP, or it can be CAD system native like UG or CATIA by DCI or DCT. · 提供测头路径动画,利用动态的测量机模型,基于工件和夹具CAD自动检查测头碰撞 · PC-DMIS PREMIUM animates probe paths, and automatically detects probe collisions with parts and fixtures by accurate kinematic modeling of most CMMs, when working with solid models · 可以对CAD实施镜像、加层、移除、隐藏、更改实体,或者添加网格等操作 · Manipulate CAD models by mirroring, adding layers, removing, hiding and changing entities and adding grids. · “一键式”自动创建手动/自动坐标系 · Create an alignment with one click of an icon. · 3D智能安全区域的编程功能 · Programming safely and efficiently with ClearanceCube · 基于已测定的尺寸和特征,可执行程序中指定的任意部分尺寸,以快速实现某部分特征的复检或抽检 · The new Mini Routines feature enables users to measure a selected dimension or group of dimensions from a long part program · 完全遵循国际GD&T评价标准,全面涵盖ISO及ASME Y14.5等标准 · Comprehensive coverage of ISO and ASME Y14.5 standards · 提供了功能强大的形位公差的评价,包括:直线度、平面度、圆度、圆柱度、圆锥度以及各种复杂曲面的轮廓度等。相对基准几何要素位置度的评价:平行度、垂直度、角度、对称度、位置度、同轴度、同心度、轴向跳动、径向跳动、轴向全跳动、径向全跳动 · Form evaluations of geometrical elements: Straightness, Flatness, Roundness, Cylinder form, Conical form, Torus form, and Spherical form. True position of an element with reference to the datum(s): Parallelism, Squareness, Angularity, Symmetry, Position, Coaxiality, Concentricity, Axial runout, Radial runout, Total axial runout, Total radial runout · 多种默认类型的检测报告及定制报告功能,满足各层次用户对测量报告的需求 · default report types and the customized report function can meet the majority requirements from different customers · PTB与 NIST完全认证 · Full PTB and NIST certification u测头系统 a) HH-A-M7.5 自动分度测座 Motorized indexable head
HH-A-M7.5可在竖直水平两个方向自动旋转,7.5°的分度确保有720个测头角度组合.旋转90°仅需两秒钟,可配置长达300mm的加长杆;可支持各种触发式测头。 HH-A-M7.5 can rotate in horizontal and vertical direction freely. It can be precisely indexed to reach 720 repeatable attitudes with fine (7.5°) angular index increments. Its index speed is 90° in 2 seconds and can handles up to 300 mm long probe extensions. HH-A-M7.5 head can support touch-trigger probe.
HP-T- SF 标准测力测头 HP-T- SF Probe HP-T包括一个内置五方向触发测针的小模块。由于使用通用M8螺纹连接,这种小尺寸测杆适用于现有的大部分的手动或自动测头。有四种不同的形式,提供从0.055 N到0.10N之间不同的标定探测力。 HP-T includes a small module integrating a touch probe with force triggered by contact in 5 directions. Fitted with a common M8 threaded connection, this small-sized probe can be fitted to the majority of existing probe heads, whether manually operated or motor driven. There are four variants available providing varying default specified trigger forces from 0.055 N to 0.10 N.
u环境条件要求 Environment Specifications : ◇ 测量机室温度要求Room Required Specifications 测量机室的温度Room Temperature: 18 - 22 °C 机器周围环境的最大温度梯度Max. Temperature Gradients: 1 °C/h,2 °C/24h,1 °C/m ◇ 供气系统Air Supply System 最小供气压力Min. Air Pressure : 0.45pa 耗气量Air Consumption: 120 L/min ◇ 供电系统Electrical Requirements 电压Voltage: 220 V ± 10% 最大耗电量Max. Power Consumption: 2000W 电流Current: 15 A 用电设备要求接地可靠:接地电阻小于4欧姆 A good earth ground(less than 4 Ω) is required for reliable operation of the electrical controls. |
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Công ty TNHH GXTECH Việt Nam
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Phòng 506 Tầng 5 Tòa nhà Dương Tuấn, đường Lê Thái Tổ, Phường Võ Cường, Thành phố Bắc Ninh, Tỉnh Bắc Ninh, Việt Nam
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Công ty TNHH GXTECH Việt Nam
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Phòng 506 Tầng 5 Tòa nhà Dương Tuấn, đường Lê Thái Tổ, Phường Võ Cường, Thành phố Bắc Ninh, Tỉnh Bắc Ninh, Việt Nam
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